Cheese and Wine fundraiser

Fundraising for the St Lawrence Church  Spiral Staircase Appeal continued with a Cheese and Wine Evening on Friday 10th May. Forty-six people enjoyed a wonderful social evening with wine, good company and a variety of cheeses and charcuterie. The event raised a magnificent sum of £733 which has been added to the staircase appeal total, which now stands at  £12,259. If you wish to know more about the staircase, the details are displayed at the back of the church, which is open from 10am to 3pm each day.

Curry Evening

Another lovely social event, this time with a variety of curries! As this was the first time we had ventured into curry land we were on a learning curve! We seem to have got most things right and appreciated the constructive comments which will help us refine any repeats of the event. Thanks to the genorosity of several trustees donating the curries we were able to make a magnificent profit of £667 which will be put towards the current spiral staircase project.

The Curry Team (top) and our guests

Spiral Staircase Appeal

Spiral Staircase   After two years of meetings, planning, form filling and endless emails the PCC have been able to submit a faculty request for the installation of the spiral staircase and connected works. The staircase is to replace the existing ladder which no longer complies with health and safety rules and will be used to access the tower for maintenance work. The Friends Trustees are fully supportive of the intended work.

The intended work includes:

·       Decorating the tower area

·       Moving lighting and switches

·       Foundations for the staircase

·       Installation of the spiral staircase.

The cost of the work will be in the region of £36,750 +VAT-- yes it’s a lot of money, but working together we can make this happen. The Friends have promised a minimum of £10,000 as a grant towards this project, which we have already raised. The PCC will be initiating a fund-raising programme and applying for grants, but the Friends  will continue with a fundraising push in the hope we can add to the £10,000 so that all the work approved can be completed , including decorating the tower area. There are 5 events planned plus a Chairman’s Challenge to members. Please see events for details or the Church Room notice board. Good news on the VAT -The Listed Places of Worship Grant Scheme have indicated that most of the VAT can be reclaimed.