Bob Coe

It is with great sadness that the Trustees have to report the death of our secretary Bob Coe. Bob died on the 9th of May, following a very recent diagnosis of pancreatic cancer.


Bob helped to set up the Friends as an independent charity in 2010. He was a very special person with a great sense of humour. He gave so much without ever seeking recognition .He was incredibly efficient and well organised and very fond of a good list. His minutes of our meetings kept us all on our toes! Bob was the driving force behind the three history books published by the Friends. He also gave time to serve on the PCC fabric committee helping to push ahead various building projects. He could also be relied on to turn up with a bottle of his favourite red wine to share at trustees meetings. He will be enormously missed and will leave a big hole for others to fill.

There will be a Service of Thanksgiving for Bob at 12 noon on Friday 31st of May in St Lawrence Church Bradfield, followed by refreshments in the church room. Family flowers only but donations are invited in aid of Acorn Village either via Paskells of Manningtree or in the church on the day.


Gradens Open Day Sunday 30th June. Plans are progressing well but I would still like a few more gardens. If anyone else is thinking about opening could you please let me know as soon as possible? Thank you to those people who have already made contact.

Plant Stall I will be asking for help with various things nearer the time, but at present ask you to remember we will be running a plant stall at the Gardens  Open Day and any cuttings, divisions or seedlings you are able to provide would be gratefully received. Please label.

£110! Thanks and congratulations to Fontaine Woods and Barbara Tabor for their idea of making bird kits. If you haven’t met the bird kits, it is a device full of soft wool which you hang in the garden and the birds help themselves to build superior nests. I am sure Fontaine would sell you one. As they have raised £110 selling them, the birds in Bradfield must be living in luxury!  

Good news!   The PCC have finally got through all the necessary permissions etc. for the retiling of the lych gate. The Friends have provided a grant to cover the costs and the work is due to commence on Monday 15th April and be completed by the Thursday. I am also pleased to report that the PCC Fabric Committee had a productive meeting with the new architect and are waiting for his suggestions on the way forward with several areas which are  needing maintenance work.

October Quiz correction . Teams of 6. The cost per head is in fact £7.50 per person including Ploughman’s Supper. 

Answers to Christmas Quiz

Total raised £116 Thank you Fontaine!

This quiz was taken from the internet and we trusted their answers (There is a moral there somewhere!) However we do have a winner. Congratulations to Helen Gordon who receives the £10 prize.

1.Cairo             (correct at time quiz was written)                                            

2. Ham

3. Ribs

4. Ivy

5. Senegal

6. Tara

7. Madeira Islands

8. Adams

9. Sloe

10. Irrawaddy

11. Samovar

12. Nova Scotia

13. Ectoplasm

14. Agadir

15. Rain

16. Lima

17. Yom Kippur incorrect answer question ignored by marker (Sorry!)

18. Wal-Mart

19. Ibis

20. Tagus

21. Hair

22. Unto

23. Self Contained Underwater Breathing Apparatus

24. Accra

25. Tabasco Sauce

26. Isobar

27. Madrid

28. Ely

29. Onion

30. Feral

31. Jutland

32. Olympus

33. Yeast

34. Albion

35. Nevada

36. Debussy

37. Palma

38. Leviticus

39. Elgin

40. Avocado

41. Somalia

42. Upper Volta

43.  Red Lion

44. Emerald City

Sentence Christmas is nearly with us a time of joy and pleasure

Christmas Craft Market update

A brilliant day! A really lovely atmosphere with lots of families attending ,excellent stalls, refreshments and help. Happy smiling faces of children after their visit to Father Christmas. Thank you to everyone who supported this event in anyway. The final total (including donations) has now crept up to £2,373 which is a record amount.