Hooray the staircase is in ! See project tab for details
Our final fundraiser of 2024 saw 19 teams from Ipswich, Harwich, Lawford and all places in between competing over eight rounds of questions. To keep the grey cells ticking over, the teams were served yet another great Ploughman’s Supper halfway through the evening. Following the break, we continued with a music round – -- sorry about the Bluetooth connection problems, but we got there eventually, thanks to Steve! It was a very close contest with the “Hungerdowners” from Lawford, pipping “The Team from Mars” actually from Bradfield by a quarter of a point! A big thank you to everyone who helped with this event, made donations or gave raffle prizes, but also to the wonderful teams who were very generous with their money resulting in £1,321 being added to the church staircase fund. Work on the staircase is under way and everything should be completed within the next two weeks. Watch this space for more information. Thank you for the wonderful support this year.
70s Retro Party
Retro 70s Party. Well , on September 6th the party people were in great form in St Lawrence Church Room! They danced, they sang, drank cocktails and ate, shared 70s memories, played silly games and generally had a good time! Thank you to the 70s team for all their hard work and for preparing and donating the buffet food. The profit, together with some donations to the event, raised over £782. This excellent result has been added to the church staircase appeal fund.
Paintings for sale in aid of the St Lawrence Church Staircase Appeal
Now all sold! Henry Lambon, one of our members has generously donated several of his own paintings of local scenes, to be sold with all profits going to the Friends of St Lawrence Church Staircase Appeal. Below are photos of the remaining paintings which are on sale. A request to view the originals can be made by submitting a message on the contacts page of this website. Offers are invited in the region of £50-£150 per painting and can be made by leaving a message on the Friends website contact page. Please include the painting number, the bid amount and contact details. This is a chance to have some original artwork on your walls, so don’t miss out! I am pleased to say the other 4 paintings are now sold.
Cheese and Wine fundraiser
Fundraising for the St Lawrence Church Spiral Staircase Appeal continued with a Cheese and Wine Evening on Friday 10th May. Forty-six people enjoyed a wonderful social evening with wine, good company and a variety of cheeses and charcuterie. The event raised a magnificent sum of £733 which has been added to the staircase appeal total, which now stands at £12,259. If you wish to know more about the staircase, the details are displayed at the back of the church, which is open from 10am to 3pm each day.