See events tab for details
Quiz and Ploughman's Supper 2023
Friends of St Lawrence Quiz Night. It was wonderful to see over 100 people in the Village Hall having a fun evening at our Quiz and Ploughman’s Supper last Friday evening. Thank you everyone who helped prepare for the event , especially our catering crew! Also, a big thank you to all who stayed and help tidy everything away. The event raised £1,080, which will be used for grants to St Lawrence Church to help cover the cost of on-going maintenance and repairs to our ancient village building.
Gardens Open Day
What an enjoyable day, although a few degrees cooler would have been appreciated! Lots of people of all ages creating a lovely friendly village atmosphere as they wandered from garden to garden enjoying the beautiful flowers and refreshments. See Gallery for a few photos.
On behalf of the Trustees of the Friends of St Lawrence Church Bradfield may I say a big thank you to all the Garden owners who worked so hard to make their gardens beautiful and available for visitors? My personal thanks to all the behind-the-scenes people who collected plants and cakes or made refreshments. Also, these events wouldn’t happen without the support of the volunteers who manned various places throughout the day, so again my thanks. If you would like to join this happy band of volunteers, why not join the Friends? Application form on About us tab or at back of St Lawrence Church.
The profit from this event totalled £2088. We hope to be able to tell your more about how some of the money raised will be used, when the current project being discussed with the Church Council has progressed a little further. Thanks for your continued support………..hope to see lots of you at the Quiz and Ploughman’s Supper evening in October.
Quiz and Ploughman's Supper Evening
Date for your diaries —Friday 27th October Maximum Teams of 6 .See events tab for more details and booking information. Always a very enjoyable evening.
Cheese and wine evening 20th May
Wine, cheese and chat was promised and that is what was enjoyed by over 40 people. Many thanks to the usual crew Christine, Barbara and Sheila for setting up and helping to prepare the food. To Sue R for running the raffle and John the drinks. A special thank you to those who helped clear up. I think we all had a really enjoyable evening whilst raising £467 for Friends funds.