Flower festival - May 5th to 7th
The Friends of St. Lawrence Church, Bradfield are holding a Flower Festival during the Bank Holiday weekend of the 5th–7th May 2018, from 10.30 to 4.30.The theme of the festival is “The Art of Flowers”. This will involve flower arrangements inspired by local art work which will also be displayed. Entrance £3.50 under 16 free. There will be a craft table for young people to make or colour flowers to add to a decorative wall display in the church room. Light refreshments available.
The Flower Festival is always a popular event and will raise funds to enable essential restoration and repairs to be carried out on the parish church.
Help: If you would like to help with this event by offering time or making cakes or producing plants please contact me 01255 870681 normabarrow@btinternet.com.
Donations: There is also the opportunity for individuals and organisations to make a donation towards the cost of purchasing flowers for the arrangements. A list of donors will be in the displayed in the church during the festival. This will be with the agreement of the individual donor. If you feel able to support this worthwhile venture a donation form is available at the back of St Lawrence Church or from me via email