See the events page for details of dates and times. If you wish to know more about any of the following I can be contacted via message section on our contact page or via my normal email. N Barrow
The Event. Plans are well under way, and we look forward to showing you some wonderful flower arrangements, words and pictures celebrating the Queen’s working life. The main part of the event will be 6 Tableaux as listed plus a few more areas of interest.
Tableaux: The Coronation, Head of State, The Commonwealth, Supreme Governor of the Church of England, Head of the Armed Forces and Head of Nation.
Sponsor donations. Thank you to everyone who has sent sponsor money for the flowers. If anyone else wishes to donate, please let me know soon.
Memorabilia. I have been given some memorabilia but again if anyone has some which they are prepared to loan please get in touch as soon as possible.
Refreshments. Please let Christine Bowen know if you can supply cakes.
Plants. Barbara Coe is the collecting point for plants. Please label. If you need them collected, please contact me. (Norma)
Help. The roster to cover the door, plants and refreshments is filling up, but I could still do with a few more people. I need to know as soon as possible so I can issue the rosters.
Advertise. Please spread the word about the event. Posters and online advertising will be under way next week. Please share the information with your family and friends.
Children’s Activities There will be a mini trail around the church looking for small wooden jubilee items. Fontaine is trying to organise some colouring/making activities for them in the church room. If anyone is able to help, please contact me.