Poems and Pints

Our thanks go to Christopher and Fontaine Woods who kindly hosted the evening at their house. Guests arrived clutching their poems and drinks and the evening was soon in full swing. At half time a two course meal was served, which was greatly enjoyed by everyone. Profits from the evening were £131.

Burns Night

Thirty two people enjoyed the three course Burns Night supper prepared by Brian and Liz. Guests were greeted with the sound of the bagpipes kindly supplied by Andy. The haggis was duly paraded and addressed. The evening was rounded off with speeches and loyal toasts. Profits for the evening were £529. Click here to see a gallery of photos.

Christmas Craft Market - 22 Nov 2013

Thank you to everyone who helped with the Craft Market on Saturday and to all who donated goods for the stalls and raffle. We are particularly grateful to the people who helped clear up at the end and also those who left the kitchen tidy and clean. Our thanks also go to Kathy Wilkinson for once again maintaining a high standard and variety of stalls.
We are pleased to say that although numbers attending were slightly down we have still made a grand total of over £1,964 to date which is similar to last year.
The tombola (£173) and raffle (£445) which we targeted for improvement last year, both maintained or slightly increased their profit. The targets for this year were Father Christmas (£99) and the Cake Raffle (£116) both of which showed a tremendous improvement --- Thank you and well done to the people responsible!!

Murder Mystery Evening

A full house entered into the fun as the cast presented the story line of Murder is Servedwith events taking place at the surprise 80th birthday party of Clarissa Hopgood. With two bodies and many suspects, the audience tried to work out who poisoned the drink and whstuck the knife in Alice’s back!

To sustain the audience while they made their deliberations, a fish and chip supper was served followed by a slice of Clarissa’s BirthdaCake. Thanks to the cast for their hard work also Darren Whiting for supplying the bar and Bruce Emeny for the stage lighting...

The event made a profit of £562 which will go towards repairs to the church stained glaswindows.

Quiz Night

A big thank you to everyone who came to the quiz last Saturday. The profit on the evening was £465.47. Everyone seemed to enjoy themselves. Well done to the winning team of Jean and Graham Points, Penny Mitchell. Margaret Steeds, Anja Newman and Kathryn Glover. Pretty good going for an ad hoc team who only got to know each other during the evening!